Cycle Gap
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
John Gruber Has Some Career Advice For Developers
( 33:45-35:53 from John Gruber's keynote speech at The Çingleton Symposium, a conference which took place in Montréal on October 14th a...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Is A GitHub Fork A Real Fork ?
Karl Fogel, who was most notably involved with the development of CVS & Subversion and is a director of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)...
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Thursday, October 07, 2010
HN Comment: CEO Voice
Some comments on Hacker News are so good, I've decided to start posting the interesting ones that I come across. No. 1, CEO Voice by s...
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
The Enterprise Software Business Summarised
You don’t get it. The central relationship between Oracle and its customers is a business relationship, between an Oracle business expert an...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Did Easy Money Derail Indian Software Product Companies ?
Sridhar Vembu , the CEO of Zoho makes an interesting observation in a Hacker News discussion thread, about how easy money during the boom ...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Fred Brooks On COBOL's Success
(~00:53:00) Question : In your slide on the conceptual integrity examples you made a passing reference to the ones on the left were not the ...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
IT Startups And The Immature Indian Market
There's lot of hand wringing over the lack of "real" startups in India. Most of the arguments totally miss the point that the ...
Why Google Owns Wave
If you make it so complicated nobody else understands what you're doing, you own it. - Dave Winer during a discussion of Google Wave dur...
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Compensating Users of Social Networking Sites
It's amazing how little discussion there is about compensating users of social networking sites for user generated content, community ac...
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